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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies and similar technologies (such as scripts, tracking pixels and plugins) (altogether referred to as “cookies”) are small files of letters and numbers that are stored on your browser or the hard drive of your device if you agree to accept them when you access a website. They contain information that is transferred to your computer's or mobile device’s hard drive. Cookies collect information about you, such as your preferences, the number of times you have visited a website or personal information, such as e- mail address when creating profile. The cookie allows the website to “remember” your actions or preferences over time. While cookies and the information they transmit may not identify a living individual on their own, they may be able to do so in combination with other information held by the online provider or a third party.

Different types of cookies

A cookie can be classified by its lifespan, the domain to which it belongs and by its function. Please note that we don’t use all types of cookies described in the list below. To see which cookies from the list we use and why, see section “What cookies do we use and why”.

  • Session cookie, which are erased when you close the browser. They allow websites to recognise and link your actions during single browser session for you to use the website most efficiently (e.g. remembering what you have put in the shopping basket while browsing around the site). As these cookies are not usually stored beyond the browser session, they are usually considered less privacy intrusive.

  • Persistent cookie, which remains on your device for a pre-defined period of time. They enable the websites to remember your preferences and to tailor services to them. They may also be used to track your browsing activity across different websites and to build up a detailed profile of your browsing behaviour for targeted advertising. For this reason, persistent cookies are generally considered to be more privacy-intrusive than session cookies.

As for domain to which it belongs, there are either:

  • First-party cookies, are set directly by the website you are visiting, i.e. the URL displayed in the browser’s address bar. This involves assigning a unique identity to you by setting the cookies to either your browser and/or your hard drive with a view to track the your journey on the website. First-party cookies are commonly used by websites for session management, personalisation and recognition purposes. This means the information transmitted by the cookie is later combined with the personal information you have supplied to the website provider in the course of a sale or other contact. In these cases, your cookie is retrieved each time you visit the website which planted it, making it unnecessary to re-enter registration data on each visit. Although cookies provide you with some benefits, they also enable online providers to build profiles of you, your online behaviour and your interests.

  • Third-party cookies are set by a domain other than the one you are visiting. This typically occurs when the website incorporates elements from other sites, such as images, social media plugins or advertising. When the browser or other software fetches these elements from the other sites, they can set cookies as well.

By its function:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of a website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of a website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.

  • Statistics (analytical)/performance cookies. These types of cookies allow providers to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around their website when they are using it. They assist website providers in improving the way their website works, for example, to help users find what they are looking for easily.

  • Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to a website. They enable the personalisation of content and the recognition of you and your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).

  • Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to a website, the individual pages visited and the links followed. If the cookie is set by a third party (for example, an advertising network) which also monitors traffic on other websites, this type of cookie may also be used to track your movements across different websites and to create profiles of your general online behaviour. Information collected by targeting cookies is commonly used to serve users with targeted online advertising.

What cookies do we use and why?

We use cookies on our Website and Web App (‘’Services’’). We use third-party cookies that are statistics (analytical), performance, functionality, targeting, session and persistent cookies.

We engage third parties for:

  • Statistic (analytical) purpose on our website and web app (Google Analytics) and for

  • Authentication on our web app (Firebase Authentication).

We allow third parties, namely Meta Platforms, Inc., Google and Adzerk to use their cookies on our website for tracking and advertising (marketing) purposes.

Please see our Privacy Policy, section ‘’Collection of Information’’ namely ‘’Analytical Information’’ and section ‘’Analytics Providers’’ for a more detailed description on how we use gathered analytical data.

Google Analytics (‘’GA’’) is Google’s analytics tool that help us understand how our visitors engage with our Services. It may use a set of first-party cookies to collect information and report website /Web App usage statistics without directly personally identifying individual visitors to website and/or Web App. GA stores cookies on your computer to keep track of how you use our website/Web App. We use the data collected by GA to help us improve the quality of our website/Web App and to analyse website/Web App usage. For example, by using these type of cookies, we can look at aggregate patterns like the average number of consultations that were not finished. We can use such analysis to gain insights about how to improve the functionality and experience of the website/Web App. GA processes the information we share - namely various information on how you use the website and/or Web App by your own unique user ID’s, however they also have access to your IP address and any other data that they collect from you directly.

For more information on Google Analytics and their cookie usage, visit

Below you can find a list of the Google Analytics cookies we use on our website and Web App:

Name of the cookie
Category of use
Expiration time


The NID cookie contains a unique ID Google uses to remember your preferences and other information. This cookie helps Google customise ads on Google proprieties, like Google search.


6 months


Used to distinguish users.


2 months


Used to distinguish users.


24 years


Used to throttle request rate.


1 minute

Please check Cookie Settings for the latest update.

Firebase Authentication (‘’FA’’). These cookies are used to enable a faster login process. FA supports authentication using passwords, popular federated identity providers like Google and Facebook. Knowing your identity allows them to securely save your data in the cloud and provide the same personalised experience across all of your devices. When you log in to our Services, you explicitly request access to the content or functionality to which you are authorised. Without the use of an authentication token stored in a cookie you would have to provide a username/password on each page request. These cookies identify who you are for the length of the session and are only used on our Web App. For more information about Firebase and their cookies usage, visit

Meta Platforms uses cookies for tracking and advertising on our website. To find more information about Meta Platforms and their cookies usage, visit

You can find cookies that uses Meta Platforms on our website below:

Name of the cookie
Category of use
Expiration time


Contains browser ID and it can be sent over the unencrypted connections allowing the tracking of users by adversaries who can monitor the network.

Site security and integrity

2 years


Contains Encrypted Facebook ID and Browser ID.


3 months


To track of the first and last Facebook page visited by the user and the inner dimensions of the browser window respectively.

Tracking (session)



To track of the first and last Facebook page visited by the user and the inner dimensions of the browser window respectively.

Tracking (session)





2 years


Contains browser window dimensions.

24 hours

Please check Cookie Settings for the latest update.

DoubleClick by Google uses cookies to improve advertising on our website. Some common applications are to target advertising based on what is relevant to a user, to improve reporting on campaign performance, and to avoid showing ads the user has already seen. Cookies themselves contain no personally identifiable information. For more information about DoubleClick and their cookie usage, visit.

You can find cookies that uses DoubleClick on our website below:

Name of the cookie
Category of use
Expiration time


Tis cookies are used to link your activity across devices if you’ve previously signed in to your Google Account on another device


1 month


This cookie is stored on non Google sites under the domain


10 months


They serve purposes such as measuring interactions with the ads on that domain and preventing the same ads from being shown to you too many times. These cookies can’t be read by Google when you’re on a site other than the one on which they were set.


1 year 10 months




2 years 6 months

Please check Cookie Settings for the latest update.

How long will cookies remain on your device?

The length of time that a cookie remains on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies last until you stop browsing and persistent cookies last until they expire or are deleted. To find out how long will cookies remain on your computer you should visit third-party cookies websites mentioned in section What cookies do we use and why above. See the section below on how to control cookies and more information on removing them before they expire.

How to control cookies?

You can control and manage cookies in various ways.

Just click on the Cookie Settings and manage your cookie preferences. You can find this settings also in the footer of our website.

Most third-party cookies can be blocked by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our site. Some people prefer not to allow cookies, which is why most browsers give you the ability to manage cookies to suit you. For more information on how to modify your browser settings or how to block, manage, delete or filter cookies can be found in your browser’s help file or through such sites as:

How to opt-out of Google Analytics:

You can opt-out of having making your site activity available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on available here The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) that is running on websites from sharing information with Google Analytics about visit activity. For more information visit: Analytics Help

How to disable cookies from Firebase:

For information on how to disable cookies from Firebase please visit

How to opt-out Facebook cookies

For more information how to disable cookies from Facebook please visit Facebook cookie policy.

How to opt-out of ads from DoubleClick:

For more information how to disable cookies from DoubleClick please visit:Ads helpGoogle browser plugins

After giving your consent you can always withdraw it within After giving your consent you can always withdraw it within Cookie Settings by clicking ‘Change your consent’.

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